Swedish crossword
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křížovka 29062020
“Proč chcete do závěti, ve které poukazujete všechno své manželce, připsat dodatek, že se musí znovu provdat?“ divil se notář.¨ “Chci,“ povídá pan Klein, “abych měl na tomto světě někoho, …tajenka.“
Size of crossword: 16×9
Published: 28. 6. 2020
Published: 28. 6. 2020
CROSSWORD 15062020
Why did the nurse need a red pen at work? …Crossword.
Size of crossword: 16×9
Published: 14. 6. 2020
Published: 14. 6. 2020
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CROSSWORD 01062020
Did you hear about the mathematician who's afraid of negative numbers? He'll …Crossword.
Size of crossword: 16×9
Published: 31. 5. 2020
Published: 31. 5. 2020
CROSSWORD 18052020
Anton, do you think I’m a bad mother? …Crossword.
Size of crossword: 16×9
Published: 17. 5. 2020
Published: 17. 5. 2020
CROSSWORD 04052020
Why was the baby strawberry crying? Because …Crossword.
Size of crossword: 16×9
Published: 3. 5. 2020
Published: 3. 5. 2020