
I. Supplier

supplier and publisher SUBAKOprint Ltd. , address Dubová 27 , 971 01 Prievidza , ID : 44224184 , VAT number : SK 2022657142

II . Subscriber

Buyer ( customer ) may be any natural or legal person with residence in the EU .

III . Provided services

Contractor delivers magazine subscriptions according to customer's order .

IV . Order a contract

Customer can place the order via the online form or e-mail .

V. Prices

Aall prices are final.

VI . Payment Terms

1 ) payment gateway GoPay 2 ) in the Czech Republic and Slovak republic via SMS

VII . Notice Conditions

After paying the amount you can download the magazine directly from the web .

VIII . Delivery Time

Immediately after receiving the payment .

IX . Withdrawal from the contract

Customer can withdraw from the contract without the consent of the supplier .

Warranty Terms X.

Seller provides to guarantee the supply of prepaid magazine .

XI . Complaints

Complaint may only be used when the contractor fails to respect the conditions of pre-paid downloads titles. The subscriber is obligated to provide the assistance to supplier if it is necessary to resolve the complaint .

XII . Privacy

Supplier treat personal information in accordance with the laws of the Czech Republic , in particular the Act on Personal Data Protection . The internal database stores basic identification information ( name of the person , company registration , postal and email addresses ) , which uses under the administrative work associated with the processing of orders, as well as tracing the history of orders where the customer after a certain period originally requested a copy of the supplied license data . Supplier database does not store any sensitive personal datas. The customer agrees to the processing and storage of my personal data within the range defined by these Terms and Conditions . Buyer has the right to request detailed information about the nature and extent of retained personal data, or it may require that supplier removes them from the database ( The supplier will grant such a request without delaying it).

XIII . Final provisions

These terms and conditions apply to 25.2. 2014th are subject to terms and conditions , as appropriate, modify and refine – but for a specific order of business is always in the form in which they were published on the supplier at the time of submitting your order.


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