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crossword 16042015
Q: What's yellow and goes up and down? A: …Crossword.
Size of crossword: 16×9
Published: 15. 4. 2015
Published: 15. 4. 2015
Křížovka pro VIP 13042015
„Rád bych si koupil revolver.“ „A jaký by to měl být systém?“ „…Tajenka."
Size of crossword: 16×9
Published: 12. 4. 2015
Published: 12. 4. 2015
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crossword 09042015
Q: Why is 77 better than 69? A: …Crossword.
Size of crossword: 16×9
Published: 8. 4. 2015
Published: 8. 4. 2015
crossword 02042015
Q: What is the difference between Tiger Woods and Santa Claus? A: …Crossword.
Size of crossword: 16×9
Published: 1. 4. 2015
Published: 1. 4. 2015
crossword 26032015
Q: How do you catch a squirrel? A: …Crossword.
Size of crossword: 16×9
Published: 26. 3. 2015
Published: 26. 3. 2015