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crossword 21052017
Did you hear about the butcher who backed up into the meat grinder? …Crossword.
Size of crossword: 16×9
Published: 20. 5. 2017
Published: 20. 5. 2017
crossword 15052017
Q: Why did the archaeologist's wife divorce him? A: …Crossword.
Size of crossword: 16×9
Published: 14. 5. 2017
Published: 14. 5. 2017
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crossword 07052017
Why is Christmas just like a day at the office? You do all the work and the fat guy …Crossword.
Size of crossword: 16×9
Published: 6. 5. 2017
Published: 6. 5. 2017
crossword 30042017
I'm tired of people saying all black people look alike. We don't all look alike. Ain't it funny how they always say we all look alike until we go cash a check? Then … Crossword.
Size of crossword: 16×9
Published: 29. 4. 2017
Published: 29. 4. 2017
crossword 20042017
Q: Why do Jewish mothers make great parole officers? A: They never let …Crossword!
Size of crossword: 16×9
Published: 19. 4. 2017
Published: 19. 4. 2017