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CROSSWORD 03062018
Q: What are a blonde's first words after graduating college? A: „…Crossword ?"
Published: 2. 6. 2018
CROSSWORD 27052018
My neighbor came at me really aggressively, asking if I knew anything about her underwear disappearing from her clothes line. I can tell …Crossword.
Published: 26. 5. 2018
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CROSSWORD 20052018
I've been on a diet. I'm on that Slim-Fast thing now. I had seven of …Crossword.
Published: 19. 5. 2018
CROSSWORD 13052018
I'm a vegetarian. We worshipped animals when we were growing up ‚cause my mother was a cow. I‘m kidding – … Crossword .
Published: 12. 5. 2018
CROSSWORD 06052018
You move out of college, where do you go? A lot of people move in with their parents, huh? I wasn't that pathetic. I didn't move in with my parents. …Crossword.
Published: 5. 5. 2018